Endo | Commands


  • help - Displays a list of available commands.
  • ping - Replies with Pong!
  • setlang - Set Bot Language.


  • about - Displays information about the bot.


  • automessage - Set the automessage for the server.
  • autorole - Set the autorole for the server.
  • clear - Clear messages in the channel.
  • dashboard - Send the link to the server dashboard.
  • ticket - Create a new ticket channel.


  • autoplay - Toggle autoplay for the music queue.
  • clearqueue - Clear the queue.
  • pause - Pause the currently playing song.
  • play - Play a song.
  • queue - View the current queue.
  • repeat - Toggle repeat mode.
  • resume - Resume the currently paused song.
  • shuffle - Shuffle the current queue.
  • skip - Skip the currently playing song.
  • stop - Stop the currently playing song.
  • volume - Adjust the volume of the music playback.